Orange filters

Orange filters

After a review of the business operations and product detail, a responsive (mobile friendly) website was designed and developed.


Orange Filters offers a one-stop-shop filter supply service, providing quality filters to the Australian mining, oil and gas industry. As a newly launched entity within the Orange Australia group of companies, the business required a website solution to showcase the three tiered product offering.


After a review of the business operations and product detail, a responsive (mobile friendly) web design was developed. The new website design incorporated key architectural brand elements from the recently launched Orange Australia website, ensuring a strong visual synergy between the two businesses. The Orange Filters website was built on the WordPress platform allowing for low-cost content updates via the content management system.

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    responsive website perth Professional and custom website design for businesses in Perth and Melbourne, Australia
    website design company perth Professional and custom website design for businesses in Perth and Melbourne, Australia
    responsive website perth Professional and custom website design for businesses in Perth and Melbourne, Australia

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